Local Activities
Plenty To Offer
The Finger Lakes Region is the home of:
More than 135 museums
More than 80 art galleries
More than 400 registered historic sites & landmarks
14 professional theatre companies
45 community theatre groups
1,063 waterfalls
More than 100 wineries
20 tour boats
650 miles of shoreline
At least 100 restaurants with waterside views
At least 100 restaurants with waterside views
Fairs & festivals every week
26 state parks
More than 128 species of fish
17-mile “Grand Canyon of the East”
100 miles of the historic Erie Canal
More than 2,000 miles of hiking/biking trails
95 public campgrounds
40 nature centers
More than two dozen fishing derbies
160 golf courses
- The Village of Hammondsport, 2.5 miles from the Manor House, was voted the ‘Coolest Small Town in America’ by Budget Travel Magazine in 2012.
- Heron Hill Winery, located virtually next door to the Manor House, was voted “One of the World’s Most Spectacular Tasting Rooms” by
- Travel & Leisure Magazine in July 2009. Manor House shares the same view that helped them receive this accolade.
- Frank Winery, only 2.5 miles from the Manor House, is New York’s Most Award-winning Winery since 1962. They won an incredible 100+ gold medals in 2013, their most ever!
- A top ’10 Best Wine Travel Destinations 2015′ by Wine Enthusiast Magazine.
- A Riesling from Anthony Road Wine Co. was voted best wine in the 2009 annual NY Wine & Food Classic competition.
- The 2008 Riesling from Anthony Road Wine Co. won Governor’s Cup silver chalice at the New York Wine & Food Classic.
- Bully Hill Vineyards, 2 miles from the Manor House, offers over 40 different selections of wine and now produces over 200,000 cases of wine each year…the second largest production of wine in New York State. They feature a highly regarded restaurant, wine shop and two gift shops.
- Named one of the Top 15 Scenic Drives in the World by British Airways, Route 54A (west lake road of Keuka Lake, accessible 2 miles from the Manor House) has long been a favorite scenic route in Steuben County.
- #4 on ‘Top 10 Wine Destinations Around the World’ according to Huffington Post November 2013.
- An April 2014 article on Jaunted.com stated “New York State’s Keuka Lake May Have the Country’s Best Lake Culture”
- #8 on ’17 Amazing and Unexpected Honeymoon Destinations’ according to Buzzfeed November 2013.
- The 2007 Ingle Vineyard Riesling (Heron Hill) won “Best Riesling” at the 2010 Los Angeles International Wine & Spirits Competition
- Sheldrake Point Vineyard was named winery of the year 2009 in the annual NY Wine & Food Classic competition in 2009 and “Top 100 Winery of the Year” and “Top 12 American Value Brand” wine by Wine & Spirits magazine.
- For the 2nd straight year in 2019, the Finger Lakes was named the best wine region in the United States in a national poll conducted by the USA Today and its travel site, 10best.com. The Finger Lakes beat out finalists from California and 5 other states.
- Travel and Leisure, a travel magazine based in New York City, recently compiled a list of the best travel destinations in the WORLD for 2022 — and the Finger Lakes region made the cut at #16!
Finger Lakes
Fun and exciting adventures are endless in the Finger Lakes area including boating, dining, shopping, hiking, wine tasting, beer tasting and much, much more. The websites below will assist you in the exploration our beautiful region!
RESTAURANTS – within THE VILLLAGE of Hammondsport
Village Tavern Restaurant & Inn 30 Mechanic St., Hammondsport 607 569 2528 villagetaverninn.com
Timber Stone Grill 70 Shethar St., Hammondsport 607 224 0006 timberstonegrill.com
The Park Inn 37-39 Shethar St., Hammondsport 607 224 4004 parkinnflx.com
Wise Guys of Hammondsport 90 Pulteney St., Hammondsport 607 569 2000 facebook.com/hammondsportwiseguys
Crooked Lake Ice Cream Company 35 Shethar St., Hammondsport 607 569 2751 crookedlakeicecream.com
Burgers & Beer of Hammondsport 41 Shethar St., Hammondsport 607 246 4000 hammondsportburgers.beer
Maloney’s Pub, LTD 57 Pulteney St., Hammondsport 607 569 2264 maloneyspub.com
Over The Bridge Wine & Beer Bar – The Hidden Cork 54 Pulteney Street 607 569 7003 overthebridgewinebar.com
Crooked Lake Ice Cream Company35 Shethar St, Hammondsport 607 569-2751 crookedlakeicecream.com
The Waterfront Restaurant 12664 West Lake Rd., Hammondsport 607 868 3455 waterfrontkeuka.com
Bully Hill Vineyards & Restaurant 8843 Greyton H. Taylor Memorial Drive 607 868 3610 bullyhill.com
Snug Harbor Restaurant 9068 Snug Harbor Drive Hammondsport 607 868 7684 snugharborkeukalake.com
Maybe Baby Burgers 7530 State Route 54, Bath 607 622 4130 maybebabyburgers.com
Around The Corner Catering 8947 Roff Hill Rd., Pulteney 607 868 3243 aroundthecornercatering.com
Casa Mezcal Flavors of Mexico 7500 NY-54, Bath 607 868 3455 casamezcalbathny.com
Lakeside Restaurant 13780a West Lake Rd., Hammondsport 607 868 3636 lakesideonkeuka.com
Also, check out the nearby city of Penn Yan for many amazing restaurant choices!
Pleasant Valley Wine Company 8260 Pleasant Valley Road Hammondsport 607 569 6111 pleasantvalleywine.com
Chateau Renaissance Wine 7494 Fish Hatchery Road Hammondsport 607 569 3609 chateaurenaissancewinecellars.com
Dr. Konstantin Frank Winery 9749 Middle Road Hammondsport 607 868 4884 drfrankwine.com
Bully Hill Vineyards and Restaurant 8843 Greyton Taylor Memorial Drive Hammondsport 607 868 3610 bullyhill.com
Keuka Lake Vineyards Fine Estate Wines 8882 County Route 76 Hammondsport 607 868 4100 klvineyards.com
Hunt Country Vineyards 4021 Italy Hill Road Branchport 800 946 3289 huntwines.com
Point of the Bluff Vineyards 10489 County Road 76 Hammondsport 607 332 3060 pointofthebluffvineyards.com
Heron Hill Winery 9301 County Road 76 Hammondsport 800 441 4241 heronhill.com
Stever Hill Vineyards 3962 Stever Hill Rd, Branchport 315 595-2230 steverhillvineyards.com
Vineyard View Winery 2971 Williams Hill Rd, Keuka Park 315 694-7262 vineyardviewwinery.com
Azure Hill Winery8716 Gallagher Rd, Hammondsport 607 868-5702 azurehillwinery.com
Yates Cellars 3170 NY-54A, Keuka Park 315 575-1863 yatescellars.com
Domaine LeSeurre Winery 13920 State Route 54 Hammondsport 607 292 3920 dlwinery.com
Weis Vineyards 10014 Day Road Hammondsport 607 284 4011 weisvineyards.com
Ravines Wine Cellars 14630 State Route 54 Hammondsport 607 292 7007 ravineswine.com
McGregor Vineyard 5503 Dutch Street Dundee 800 272 0192 mcgregorwinery.com
Barrington Cellars/Buzzard Crest Vineyards 2794 Gray Road Penn Yan 315 531 8923 barringtoncellars.com
Keuka Spring Vineyards 243 East Lake Road Penn Yan 315 536 3147 keukaspringwinery.com
Rooster Hill Vineyards by CK Cellars 489 Route 54S Penn Yan 315 536 4733 roosterhill.com
Rooster Hill Vineyards by CK Cellars 489 Route 54S Penn Yan 315 536 4733 roosterhill.com
McGregor Vineyard 5503 Dutch St, Dundee 800 272-0192 mcgregorwinery.com
Also, check out 100+ other wineries nearby in the Finger Lakes Region!
Steuben Brewing Company 10286 Judson Rd, Hammondsport 607 332-3000 steubenbrewingcompany.com
Keuka Brewing Co. 8572 Briglin Rd, Hammondsport 607 868-4648 keukabrewingcompany.com
Krooked Tusker Distillery 10303 Co Rd 76, Hammondsport 607 868-3006 krookedtusker.com
Krookid Leyk Distilling 14322 NY-54, Hammondsport 607 426-1063 krookedleyk.com
Finger Lakes Beer Company 8462 NY-54, Hammondsport 607 569-3311 fingerlakesbeercompany.com
Antler Run Distilling 3133 Antler Run Rd, Keuka Park 315 694-7958 antlerrundistilling.com
Brewery Of Broken Dreams 8319 Pleasant Valley Rd, Hammondsport 607 224-4050 thebreweryofbrokendreams.com
shopping~ Hammondsport
The Cinnamon Stick 26 Mechanic St, Hammondsport 607 569-2277 cinnamonstick.com/about_us.htm
The Wine Barrel 59 Shethar St, Hammondsport 607 569-3456 thewinebarrel.co
Browsers 33 Shethar St, Hammondsport 607 569-2497
Stony Brook Gift Company 68 Shethar St, Hammondsport 607 769-1708 facebook.com/stonybrookgiftcompany
Patina 57 Shethar St, Hammondsport 607 224-4010 patinaantiquesny.com
Crooked Lake Antiques 8428 NY-54, Hammondsport 607) 569-3455 crookedlakeantiques.com
Harbor Lights Marina (boat gas, launch ramp, store) 13760 West Lake Rd., Hammondsport 607 868 4848 fb.com/KeukaHarborLightsMarina/
Glenn H. Curtiss Museum 8419 State Route 54, Hammondsport 607-569-2160 glennhcurtissmuseum.org
Keuka Watersports 7 Water St, Hammondsport 607 569-2889 keukawatersports.com
Keuka Lake State Park 3560 Pepper Rd, Keuka Park 315 536-3666 https://parks.ny.gov/parks/67
Keuka Outlet Trail Penn Yan keukaoutlettrail.org
Birdseye Hollow Park Birdseye Hollow Rd, Hammondsport www.steubencountyny.gov/Facilities/Facility/Details/Birdseye-Hollow-Park-2
Onkeuka Water Taxi 30 Mechanic Street – Hammondsport 607 742 0953 onkeuka.com
Finger Lakes Boating Museum 8231 Pleasant Valley Rd, Hammondsport 607 569-2222 flbm.org
The Windmill Farm and Craft Market 3900 NY-14A, Penn Yan 315 536-3032 thewindmill.com
Park View Wine and Spirits 74 Pulteney St, Hammondsport 607) 569-2493